Tuesday, January 8, 2013

11 Months as a Lewman!!

Emmy the Elephant

What a doozie December was!! The month started off with Tye’s birthday and then Hayden’s birthday.  Then we moved right into the heart of Christmas.  Emmy loved the house decorations…especially the tree needles and bows on the presents.  She also liked the nutcracker ornaments and made her very first ornament for the grandparents.

Tree huggers!
As our tradition, we went to Loch Lolly Farms to cut our tree down and Emmy came in tow. We picked it out, cut it down and then sat at the bonfire and had hot cocoa as Santa got pictures with kids in his sleigh.  Then we picked out our annual ornaments and headed home to decorate the house and tree…and then watch Christmas Vacation!  Emmy went to her first Christmas party at Gramma Judi’s company party.  As you can see, she was wild about Santa.

This month, Emmy started walking.  She was taking a few steps here and there but it was really noticeable Christmas Eve at my grandma’s house.  She is officially a walker and the most appropriate description is that of a drunken cowboy that yells "daa-daa". I have a really cute video of her naked prancing around the house, but thought I would respect her privacy.  This is a little clip of us gals just having a ball!

Baby at breakfast!
Baby at Christmas!
This year was our first year hosting Christmas dinner!  A new tradition for the Lewman/Moore families…looking forward to many, many more Christmas’s with everyone here.  Emmy did great with her gifts too…she sat patiently while we all opened our gifts and studied hers instead of ripping them open!  She got quite a bit this year (you can blame both grandparents!) - she got babies (we call them the triplets) and a stroller for her babies, a musical puppy that helps her with walking, a musical desk, a pillow-pet that puts pretty stars on the ceiling, toys and clothes.  She even got an elephant costume as you can see above!  We had a wonderful Christmas and so happy to have Emmaline be here to share.  As Hayden says, “Santa really stepped up his game this year”…because the whole family got snowboards, boots and bindings!  Ski trip coming our way end of January. One of us has never been and REALLY excited :).

We capped off a very busy 2012 with a movie and I was asleep by 10pm!  Tye woke me a quarter till 12 to watch the ball drop and we got Emmy up to celebrate the new year…then we all crashed!  Hayden stayed at his Mom’s to celebrate with his step-brother Aidan…evidently these party animals were up until 1am!! I was definitely ready to start the new year.  As 2012 has been the greatest year of my life…I am so excited for 2013.  I am thrilled to watch Emmy learn and grow.  Hayden is preparing for basketball and then it's almost baseball!  Tye and I are on our way to Mexico next month to celebrate our friends Alex & Hilary get married.  That is if my passport comes in time... (fingers crossed).  A lot on the horizon and looking forward to every minute.
Baby on Sunday Stroll with Mama

Happy New Year to all our friends and family!  May we find time this year to connect and celebrate!

-The Lewmans 

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