Saturday, December 8, 2012

10 Months as a Lewman!!

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Emmy's Princess ears from Disneyland.

10 Months!  This time last year I was picking out a Christmas ornament for Emmy so that on her 1st Christmas, she would already have one on the tree.  I remember thinking “wow, what is life going to be like NEXT Christmas with a 10 month old running/crawling/barreling down the halls?”…I couldn't have possibly imagined how my life would change.  Emmy has brought so much laughter and happiness to my life that I couldn't have prepared for it.  So to all of my pregnant friends right now (Jihae, Caitlin, Jen, Bree, Beth, Sarah)…just wait.  This time next year you will look back lovingly like I am today. 

She looks like an angel.
 Emmy has literally transformed from a baby into a little girl in the last month.  Her hair is getting longer (ALMOST ready for a little pony) and started wearing little baby clips. Her dimples are more defined and her eyes widen when she likes something she likes, especially playing “kisses,kisses” with Grandma Lew.  It is so amazing to watch this transformation…and hear it.  She talks in elvish I believe, but has officially starting calling for “daddy” and “da-da-da-da”.  Still only the two front bottom teeth have come in but there are several just waiting to pierce through.  It’s impressive to watch her motor skills develop as she picks up her food and put it in her mouth.  From the time she has started eating solids, around 4 months, she has made “yummmmmm” noises after she takes a bite.  Here is a small clip of her while eating.  She has gotten a bit more demanding with her food over the course of the last 6 months but you can tell she still enjoys every bite!

She is crawling super-fast and walks with her mobile toys that Gramma Judi bought for her.  You can tell she just wants to hit the pavement and see what’s out there!  Anywhere we go, she has to look at every person within a 20 ft. radius.  Emmy is smitten with kids, especially babies!  She just got her very own little baby.  I could see the excitement when she first laid eyes on baby because she was shrieking with delight.  Only to realize she caught view of the water bottle I was holding behind the baby and thought she was getting food.  Typical.  She was labeled “the bully” at daycare but they say it’s in an endearing way not an aggressive way.   Although, she tends to be a close talker – always right up in their face and wants to touch their bodies.  Nothing worse than a touch- close-talker!

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Ari & Emmy
Emmy had her first Thanksgiving and it couldn't have been more special. My mom hosted and had Jay and Carol as well as my Grandma over, we were just missing Chris as he was in NY for a wedding. Emmaline was such a good girl and happy all day.  She event met a little boy that may or may not have been scared away with because of her touchy-close-talking. He was really great with her though!  She tried mashed potatoes for the first time and had some of our delicious feast too.    It was pretty special.  I have a feeling Thanksgiving might be Emmy's favorite holiday...

BrewCycle buddies!
We are FINALLY getting our Christmas tree this weekend for Emmy’s first Christmas – I wonder if she’ll get to Santa’s cookies before he does?  December is always a busy month with Tye’s birthday which was last weekend and we had a surprise birthday party doing  BrewCycle which is a 15 person bike that rides through NW Portland from brewery to brewery.  It was a blast and even though he guessed his surprise the night before (for the 4th year in a row) he still had fun.  Now we are prepping for Hayden’s birthday on the 10th!  Hayden is having a basketball party at The Hoop and a slumber party at his mom’s house with friends.  Tye and Hayden are 9 days apart – and coincidentally, Emmy and I are 9 days apart.  I did that on purpose so Tye feels my pain!  Papa Lew (Jay) shares a birthday with Hayden also so I am sure we will have a lot of free Bennihana dinners to attend this month!  I cannot wait to take Emmy to see Santa…I think she will like his beard and giggle on his lap…fingers crossed.

We are embarking on a new year and so many things to be excited about and grateful for. 2012 has literally been the best year of my life with our new home, new baby and new responsibilities.  I truly have a new appreciation for my family.  Thank you so much to everyone in our lives for all you have helped us with this year and cannot wait to see where 2013 takes us.  I hope it’s to Paris ;-)  

Happy Holidays from the Lewmans.
Lakeview Farms getting punkins!

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