Thursday, March 8, 2012

Welcome to the world Emmaline Rose!

Emmaline Rose Lewman
Welcome to the world Emmaline Rose Lewman!  Emmy joined us Wednesday, February 8th at 7:21 pm.  She was weighed in at a whopping 6 lbs. 6 oz. and 19.5” in length.  She had somewhat blondish colored hair and beautiful colored skin with blue eyes (I am hoping to God her eyes stay blue because I told Tye that we aren’t done having kids until I get one with brown hair and blue eyes).  She was born at Providence St. Vincent Hospital in Portland, OR.  The same hospital Hayden was born in – like brother, like sister.  Here’s how it all played out!

Emmy’s due date was 2/29/12 – Leap Day!  I knew from the beginning she would be early.  I just never felt that she would be that patient.  When I was about 32 weeks, there was concern I might have a pregnancy complication of preeclampsia.  Which is a condition where blood vessels are constricted, resulting in high blood pressure and reduced blood flow that can affect the organs, such as liver, kidneys and brain and the only treatment for preeclampsia is delivery of the baby.  So my doctors were monitoring my spiked blood pressure, swelling, rapid weight gain between visits and protein that was found in my urine.  Even though all our blood work and ultrasounds were coming back very healthy, it was enough of a concern that they put me on bed rest at 35 weeks.  At 36 weeks it was decided I would deliver by induction at full term of 37 weeks (3 weeks prior to my due date).  I was VERY ready to meet Emmy.  And so was she…she was head down at 32 weeks!  So I was ordered to come to the hospital on Tuesday, February 7th to start the process of being induced.  We started “ripening” my cervix Tuesday night at 9pm.  The contractions started about 10am and they broke my water at 2pm.  By 5pm I was fully dilated and began pushing at 6:15 pm.  An hour later my doctor looked at me and said “one more push, and she is here”…and she was.  The most emotional moment of my life.  And then my life changed.

We brought her home the next night and slowly started to get to know our little sweet pea (as my Mom calls her).  She had jaundice her first week of life so we were going to multiple doctor appointments and trying to plump her up as she lost about 10% of her birth weight and dropped down to 5 lbs. 11 oz.  By two weeks, she was back up and doing great.  She is such a good baby.  She has a mild cry only when something is really bothering her and makes the most adorable noises you have ever heard.  She still sleeps most of the day but we are finally on a routine where I can get a few hours of rest at a time at night.  She loves getting dressed up for the bazillion camera flashes that take place daily but is growing out of a few of her outfits already!!  She is very strong…already holding her head up for a good period of time without our help.  Tye has almost taught her to open her arms for hugs and she’s on her way to being our biggest competitor at Dance Central on the Wii.  Check the video out and turn up the volume!  

Yesterday, she weighed in at an obscene 7 lbs. 7 oz and must be going through a growth spurt because she is eating ALL the time.  The last four weeks feel like a hazy dream but thinking about being pregnant seems like a decade ago.

As for my recovery - things are starting to finally go back where they were before she was in my belly!  I am definitely gaining my energy back and can’t wait for the weather to get nicer so that I can take her out and explore the world!  Tye and Hayden are gearing up for baseball season that starts tomorrow! Hayden has been such an adoring big brother.  Sharing his sister’s stats at school and always talking about her.  He gives her a kiss every night before bed and it’s the sweetest thing I have ever seen.  Tye seems to have a way to instantly hypnotize her into comfort. 

Thank you to everyone, friends and family, that have brought us dinner, mailed us gifts, sent us flowers, stopped by to see her and support us.  It’s been amazing and so appreciated.  We have the greatest Mom’s in the world and have really helped tremendously during this incredible adjustment!
Happy 1 Month Birthday Emmy!!

Year 5: Emmaline Rose

Emmaline is 5 years old.   FIVE YEARS OLD.   The first 3 years went by at a normal pace.   I could enjoy every milestone, every lau...