Tuesday, September 1, 2015

6 Months as a Lewman 2.0

This blog is particularly difficult for me...half of Delaney's first year has flown by.  And as I look at Emmy, I see how fast this time goes.  How quickly they learn and develop a thirst for knowledge of all things.  I keep looking at Delaney as if she were 4 weeks old, refusing to believe she's getting older.  When Emmy was born I was so excited for the next milestone and how she was advancing through this world.  Now, I feel a twinge of sadness as Delaney learns to sit up, try baby food,develop sounds.  I just want her to stay this way forever.  But who am I kidding, I would love to watch her become best friends with Emmy and Hadyen as they grow into little people.  Watch her make decisions and see how similar and opposite her and her sister are.  As the only child from my Mom and Dad, a sibling is so foreign to me.  I can't wait to see how this works and what it will be like for them.  And then throw a brother in the mix and I am totally out of my element.  I have to be honest when I say, I am truly blessed to live the life I do with the people I live it with.  Watching three children at different stages is so fascinating and fulfilling.  I love them and am so proud of each of them.  Okay, enough of that - let's get talking about chumba-wumba Delaney.

A typical scenario with these three.

6 Months of smiling
She is 6 months old today!  I would guess she's about 17 lbs based on the soreness of my left arm.  She has her next check up in two weeks so we'll see!  She's already in size 3 diapers although I am pretty sure her and I have the same size tush (that's not a good sign for her).  She's already dipping into her 9 month clothes which is fine by me because for some reason I always want to dress her warmer than necessary.  Similar to Randy in A Christmas Story.  Not to mention getting to use Emmy's clothes again is fun for me! We tried giving her some applesauce and peaches...I'll let you decide if she liked them...

Ladies and gentleman, she has found her voice.  She LOVES to cackle and inhale real deep and squeal while exhaling.  She just chats with herself, with her friends at daycare and is still the most jolly person we know.  She is teething pretty hardcore right now so there is another side of her voice that I am unfamiliar with - crying?  It's weird.  The girl doesn't cry and when she does, she's pretty easily consolable.  I've recently been introducing her to her room, one day at a time spending more time in her crib, looking at her walls, etc.  I think she thinks she's going to sleep in our room forever and I will tell you one thing - we will not be sharing our bed with her during her high school years!  No promises on any time before that. :)

Delaney has been very busy meeting people this summer.  Aunt Tiffany, Aunt Traci, Uncle Mark, Uncle Jim, her cousins Taylor, Morgan and Michael ~ she's been to 3 birthday parties, 2 weddings, 8 softball games, pools, parks, beaches and BBQs.  She's never met anyone she doesn't like and will pretty much let anyone hold her and enjoy her company.  Speaking of softball - we went undefeated in regular season, made it to the playoffs and then beat ourselves in the championship game.  Tye was the home-run leader and even in his old age can get around those bases like in the cartoons with dirt behind him.  Proud of how we played - and looking forward to next season with the Skull Crushers for the 6th year.

It's been one whirlwind of a summer and the closer we get to the end, the busier it gets.  Squeezing in those last beach trips, camping, fun activities is keeping us pretty consumed. Plus Hayden started football and it's amazing what one year will do.  He's thicker, taller, stronger and looks like a football player!  Here's a video of him throwing his first touchdown pass on Saturday!  As you can hear, super proud Dad!

Hayden starts 6th grade next week - and I am so excited to participate in his school activities.  This is such a crucial age for kids and Tye won't let me be involved in any more of the serious talks because I divulge too much information so I will leave that up to him and Jenny :) but I'm always here if they need me to be share worst case scenarios!  I think most people remember me as a teenager so I think I have some guidance on how to NOT be.  The girls are still at the Montessori which I really love.  I don't want to jinx anything but either Emmy is phasing out of the "threenager" stage or we are just getting better at the signs and symptoms of a freakout.  We're all working together pretty well right now! SO looking forward to football season, Delaney's first Halloween, and Cinderella to come out on DVD.  Yeah, I said it.  Hope everyone had a fantastic summer and see you in October!

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