Friday, June 8, 2012

4 Months as a Lewman!!

Lovely in Lime!
 4 Months – 1/3rd of a year old! Emmaline has had one incredible month.  I will start off with her 4 month check up.  She weighs 14.8 lbs and is 24.5” long.  She is 75% chubbier than babies her age (ha!) and 61% taller than babies her age.  So, she is definitely growing out of clothes both ways…which just gives me more reason to change her more often! She is VERY strong and can now sit up without her head bobbing around.  She is gripping everything, including my hair.  She loves to pull on it and get baby slime all over it.  Her doctor said she is growing just perfectly and he said she is a real talker.  She coos and yelps and blows a lot of bubbles.  She is even ready for real food.  Last night we tried some creamy bananas that I thought were divine but she didn’t quite care for them yet.  All in due time!   The most heart warming milestone this month is smiling/giggling.  I never knew I could feel the way I do when she smiles or giggles.  Every morning she is so happy and loves to look at Mama and Daddy. I imagine it only gets better from here!

Grandmother, Mother, Grand-Daughter, Great Grand-Daughter

I had my first Mothers Day with little Emmy and she was so sweet!  She made me a card and gave me a beautiful pink tea rose bush.  Tye and I took the Mothers (Judi, Carol & Helen) to lunch and just relaxed.  It was a very special day to have 4 generations together.  The only way I can describe it is like having another birthday!  You just feel honored and loved.  Hayden and his Mom Jenny painted me a pot with Iris’s and gave me a handmade card inside a water-colored butterfly paper bag with a glass fired candle holder. It was beautiful and I now realize how special those little gifts are.

Emmy in her Bumbo

Emmy rolled over twice this month, once for me and once for my Grandma.  Granted they were both on a bed so we’re not entirely sure if it qualifies as “rolling over”.  She still loves tummy time and still face scoots as far as possible.  We bought her a Bumbo to sit in which helps her sit up and allows Mama to get more housework done!  I might start a little collage of pictures of her sitting in the Bumbo in all the different rooms.  Doing laundry, doing my makeup, doing dishes, making dinner, pulling weeds!  She is happy wherever she goes!  The video below is short but cracks me up when Tye moves her around the house in the Bumbo. Bee-bee-be-beeeep!

We went to the Rose Festival with our pals Michael and Caitlin as Emmy watched Hayden, Michael and I get dizzy on rides.  She loved all the high-fashion people watching!  She is getting a lot of social interaction at daycare with another baby and two 2 year olds. Let's see how she does every Sunday while her parents play softball! Tye and I are on a softball team with friends and although we have pulled some muscles and complained about aching joints…we’re pretty confident about our season! 

The Lewmans are looking forward to the month ahead with BBQ’s, Hayden starting flag football and our first trip to Medford to visit good friends Alex & Hilary -  which will prompt a visit to Wild Safari.  Let’s see how well Miss Emmaline does with 4th of July fireworks!  See you next month :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

3 Months as a Lewman!

Three months! I have a feeling I am going to start off the remainder of these blogs with "I can't believe how big she is getting"...or "I can't believe she is ___ old already!" But seriously, I can't believe how big she is getting and I can't believe she is 3 months old already!!  She has really started to show off her personality this month.  I love that we are really getting to know her now!  Here are all the details this last month.

Tye and I went to Las Vegas for 4 days away from Emmy. She stayed with Gramma Judi and had a wonderful time.  It was challenging for us at first but we relaxed and tried to enjoy ourselves in the sun.  We were up about $1.75 at one point and then lost it all.  We were able to laugh and be kids in sin city.  If we started to miss Emmy we would mimic the funny faces she makes.  And if we started to miss Hayden we would go pick out something to bring back for him. We were definitely ready to come home to our life though!  

Emmy and her favorite balloon.

GG with Emmy
I started back at work part time the following Monday - and honestly, after Vegas it was a breeze!  I would recommend going on a trip before returning to work because it isn't nearly as difficult in comparison.  Then Emmy started going to my Grandma Helen's (GG) in the morning and I would pick her up at noon.  She had some memorable moments at GG's...or maybe GG had some memorable moments with her!  Here is one that I will remember forever when I walked in to pick her up and she was holding on to her balloon!  

Then Emmy started at her daycare and is we are all very happy with the care. Very detailed reports on what she did that day makes it a little less sad to know I am missing out on 50% of her life right now.  Plus, it's adorable seeing her with another baby and how they interact.

She had her two month check up with Dr. Gleason and she is right on track with her growth!  Doc thinks these blue eyes might just stick!  She is about 13 lbs now but about 50 lbs in her car seat!  She is very "talky" and is constantly moving her arms and legs.  She resembles Elaine Benes dancing from Seinfeld.  Very jerky and sporadic.  My favorite part is that she is starting to smile on cue.  We will smile at her and a huge smile emerges from her face.  She also LOVES staring at herself in the mirror above her swing.  I can't blame her, I love staring at her too. 

Emmy in her swing!

I had to put this video on because it is so funny that she was actually focusing on the wrestling video game and looked like she was throwing punches! Just one of the boys.

Grandma Lew with Emmy at Hayden's game.
In other news, Tye is doing very well at work, top sales in his company.  He is in the works of starting a new band which is awesome for all of us...finally get to see him play again!  And he is still the coach of Hayden's 6-3 baseball team.  Hayden is playing FANTASTIC this season and is really excelling at fielding.  Emmy has been an avid fan as well appearing at almost all his games in support.  We're very proud of his improvement both on and off the field.  He got raving reviews at his parent/teacher conference and has tested for TAG.  Excited to get the results on that in June.  Tye and I are beginning the exterior work on our house - so nice to have our own home.  Big landscaping plans this summer as well as some paint.  Looking forward to many, many memories with our friends at this house.  Two in particular - Kara and Nathan Rudolph.  They will be fully moved home by the end of this month which just makes me about as happy as possible.  WELCOME HOME RUDOLPHS!
Gramma Judi with Emmaline

The Lewman Clan

Looking forward to my 1st Mother's Day with her...she has made my life whole and cannot wait to keep watching her grow. Until next month...

Maybe Emmaline will be crawling...?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

2 Months as a Lewman!

Emmy is 2 months today!  Happy Easter to all :)

I will start off with her stats...she has nearly doubled her weight in her second month of life.  She is 10.7lbs!  Really starting to show off her figure.  Particularly in her leg and chin area.  Her eyes are still a beautiful blue and hair looks like it's a light amber/brown.  She has really started to reveal a very lovable personality and easy temperament, here are some of her likes and dislikes.

Looking out the window
Tummy time - she can completely lift her head on her own and turn to both sides
Her swing but only for about 15 minutes
Her bouncy - but only if she's looking out the window
Having staring contests with her Gramma Judi
Shower time with Mama
Chewing on her arm/hand/fingers
Playing video games with Daddy
Being held on her side and bounced
Kisses from her brother - she punched him once when he was trying to leave.

Flatulence - not a fan (any of us)
Having her diaper changed
Having her clothes changed
Getting snot plunged from her nose
Sleep - she fights it every day all day
Tight headbands
Laying on her back

She had two holidays this month, St. Patrick's Day and Easter.  She just happens to look good in all colors (biased) but that makes outfit coordination easy for Mama!  I believe I have reached the 1,000 picture mark.  She is very used to flash.  Tye and I have made our predictions on when her first REAL smile will be, first crawl, first steps, first word (he thinks "Dada" and I think "more" because she's getting rather chubby).  We are having so much fun getting to know her and watching her grow (rapidly).  We are taking a trip for ourselves for 4 days in Las Vegas.  I have had some waves of meltdowns already but I know that Mom & Dad need some relaxation before Mom goes back to work in ONE WEEK!  Nervous about that too.  Hopefully, we don't end up getting there and turning right around and coming home.  Will keep you posted next month on how our trip was and how Miss Emmy handled the time away from us.

Emmy welcomed a new friend Grace Margaret Miller on March 20th.  She is very excited to meet her.  She is also expecting another new friend Zoey Michelle Stogsdill any day now.  Then next month Emmy's cousin Cole Daniel Senn...and it doesn't stop there.  Another cousin Senn in June and another friend in August to the Grohs'. Not to mention she has an older cousin Jaxon who was born January 11th.  What a year for babies! 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Welcome to the world Emmaline Rose!

Emmaline Rose Lewman
Welcome to the world Emmaline Rose Lewman!  Emmy joined us Wednesday, February 8th at 7:21 pm.  She was weighed in at a whopping 6 lbs. 6 oz. and 19.5” in length.  She had somewhat blondish colored hair and beautiful colored skin with blue eyes (I am hoping to God her eyes stay blue because I told Tye that we aren’t done having kids until I get one with brown hair and blue eyes).  She was born at Providence St. Vincent Hospital in Portland, OR.  The same hospital Hayden was born in – like brother, like sister.  Here’s how it all played out!

Emmy’s due date was 2/29/12 – Leap Day!  I knew from the beginning she would be early.  I just never felt that she would be that patient.  When I was about 32 weeks, there was concern I might have a pregnancy complication of preeclampsia.  Which is a condition where blood vessels are constricted, resulting in high blood pressure and reduced blood flow that can affect the organs, such as liver, kidneys and brain and the only treatment for preeclampsia is delivery of the baby.  So my doctors were monitoring my spiked blood pressure, swelling, rapid weight gain between visits and protein that was found in my urine.  Even though all our blood work and ultrasounds were coming back very healthy, it was enough of a concern that they put me on bed rest at 35 weeks.  At 36 weeks it was decided I would deliver by induction at full term of 37 weeks (3 weeks prior to my due date).  I was VERY ready to meet Emmy.  And so was she…she was head down at 32 weeks!  So I was ordered to come to the hospital on Tuesday, February 7th to start the process of being induced.  We started “ripening” my cervix Tuesday night at 9pm.  The contractions started about 10am and they broke my water at 2pm.  By 5pm I was fully dilated and began pushing at 6:15 pm.  An hour later my doctor looked at me and said “one more push, and she is here”…and she was.  The most emotional moment of my life.  And then my life changed.

We brought her home the next night and slowly started to get to know our little sweet pea (as my Mom calls her).  She had jaundice her first week of life so we were going to multiple doctor appointments and trying to plump her up as she lost about 10% of her birth weight and dropped down to 5 lbs. 11 oz.  By two weeks, she was back up and doing great.  She is such a good baby.  She has a mild cry only when something is really bothering her and makes the most adorable noises you have ever heard.  She still sleeps most of the day but we are finally on a routine where I can get a few hours of rest at a time at night.  She loves getting dressed up for the bazillion camera flashes that take place daily but is growing out of a few of her outfits already!!  She is very strong…already holding her head up for a good period of time without our help.  Tye has almost taught her to open her arms for hugs and she’s on her way to being our biggest competitor at Dance Central on the Wii.  Check the video out and turn up the volume!  

Yesterday, she weighed in at an obscene 7 lbs. 7 oz and must be going through a growth spurt because she is eating ALL the time.  The last four weeks feel like a hazy dream but thinking about being pregnant seems like a decade ago.

As for my recovery - things are starting to finally go back where they were before she was in my belly!  I am definitely gaining my energy back and can’t wait for the weather to get nicer so that I can take her out and explore the world!  Tye and Hayden are gearing up for baseball season that starts tomorrow! Hayden has been such an adoring big brother.  Sharing his sister’s stats at school and always talking about her.  He gives her a kiss every night before bed and it’s the sweetest thing I have ever seen.  Tye seems to have a way to instantly hypnotize her into comfort. 

Thank you to everyone, friends and family, that have brought us dinner, mailed us gifts, sent us flowers, stopped by to see her and support us.  It’s been amazing and so appreciated.  We have the greatest Mom’s in the world and have really helped tremendously during this incredible adjustment!
Happy 1 Month Birthday Emmy!!

Year 5: Emmaline Rose

Emmaline is 5 years old.   FIVE YEARS OLD.   The first 3 years went by at a normal pace.   I could enjoy every milestone, every lau...