I will start off with her stats...she has nearly doubled her weight in her second month of life. She is 10.7lbs! Really starting to show off her figure. Particularly in her leg and chin area. Her eyes are still a beautiful blue and hair looks like it's a light amber/brown. She has really started to reveal a very lovable personality and easy temperament, here are some of her likes and dislikes.
Looking out the window
Tummy time - she can completely lift her head on her own and turn to both sides
Her swing but only for about 15 minutes
Her bouncy - but only if she's looking out the window
Having staring contests with her Gramma Judi
Shower time with Mama
Chewing on her arm/hand/fingers
Playing video games with Daddy
Being held on her side and bounced
Kisses from her brother - she punched him once when he was trying to leave.
Flatulence - not a fan (any of us)
Having her diaper changed
Having her clothes changed
Getting snot plunged from her nose
Sleep - she fights it every day all day
Tight headbands
Laying on her back
She had two holidays this month, St. Patrick's Day and Easter. She just happens to look good in all colors (biased) but that makes outfit coordination easy for Mama! I believe I have reached the 1,000 picture mark. She is very used to flash. Tye and I have made our predictions on when her first REAL smile will be, first crawl, first steps, first word (he thinks "Dada" and I think "more" because she's getting rather chubby). We are having so much fun getting to know her and watching her grow (rapidly). We are taking a trip for ourselves for 4 days in Las Vegas. I have had some waves of meltdowns already but I know that Mom & Dad need some relaxation before Mom goes back to work in ONE WEEK! Nervous about that too. Hopefully, we don't end up getting there and turning right around and coming home. Will keep you posted next month on how our trip was and how Miss Emmy handled the time away from us.
Emmy welcomed a new friend Grace Margaret Miller on March 20th. She is very excited to meet her. She is also expecting another new friend Zoey Michelle Stogsdill any day now. Then next month Emmy's cousin Cole Daniel Senn...and it doesn't stop there. Another cousin Senn in June and another friend in August to the Grohs'. Not to mention she has an older cousin Jaxon who was born January 11th. What a year for babies!
Happy Easter Emmy! I hope mom and dad can relax on their trip, you'll be just fine. Also, I love how mommy said you hate changing clothes and wearing headbands, yet just look at how dressed up you are in your photos this month and wearing fashionable head accessories, LOL.