The 3 best friends that anyone could have. |
So, believe it or not- 4 months is absolutely the same as 3 months, however 5 months is a lot different than 4 months! Delaney is still the easiest baby in the world although we have heard a few cries by now. She just coos and smiles and I'm pretty sure she said "Thank You" yesterday. She sits and watches basketball, chills on the couch with us, listens to music as if she's critiquing talent and those smiles will just melt in your mouth. She's just the best! For a moment (very brief) I thought maybe this wouldn't be our last...but then realized any baby after this would just be a nightmare :)
Delaney had her 4 month check up and it turns out she's taller than normal, thinner than average and has a considerably small pinhead. We met our new doctor thanks to our friend Siobhan, Dr. Hilary DeVoe at Sunset Pediatrics - absolutely love her. D weighed in at 14.2 lbs (three weeks ago) and because of her turtle like strength in lifting her head I was able to make a visual of her neck! She is seconds away from laughing with short little bursts of chubby chuckles but not a full blown Belding laugh like her Mom. We really can't wait to get that girl in stitches. She's already hitting her 6 month milestones by pushing up on her arms, scooting on her tummy and rolling over. She loves every second of her bouncer, and so do I...
My beautiful girl. |
I have been so busy I haven't been able to write, so here's the last two months in a nutshell. Since Delaney has been born all our lives have changed but I think the one most impacted has been Emmy. She is still so adorable with her little sis but she requires A LOT of our attention. Thank God I have the easiest baby in the world because I don't know how I would be able to do it. She has had a few setbacks with potty training and throws some pretty impressive car tantrums. In those situations you can go one of two ways, punish or love. We have chosen love. Pretty much only after realizing punishment doesn't work because she's just a little emotional ball of CHILD. Don't get me wrong, I have lost my shit multiple times, sometimes I have cried harder than she has during one of her episodes. But in the end we know that she is still adjusting to a new family member, a new school, new rules and we're going to help her, along with Hayden. He has been so amazing with her. I know he's only 11 but I know he's going to make an incredible father one day - especially with the role model he has. Hayden has sat in between the two car seats while both girls needed attention and his eyes may have been crossed but he didn't complain. His only frustration is that he couldn't help them both at the same time. He's a phenomenal big brother! We will celebrate him on Saturday for our family holiday "Brother's Day" - 8/8 of every year since "8" is his favorite number. We're going to a Hops game - which should be interesting with the girls plus maybe a campout in the backyard!
Hayden explaining that the Howlin' Tornado is scary. |
Delaney is officially not the youngest baby in the baby room anymore. She's 5 months and considered one of the old broads now...although, still the favorite (even though they're not supposed to have one, I've been told she is). It's gotten to where I walk in and she is smiley to hear/see me which is like a double rainbow because then I grab Emmy and she is all smiles too! At least until we get in the car and there is usually some type of disagreement on whether her Alex or my Alex (I don't have an Alex) is coming to her birthday party (which is in February) to which I say, "no, he invited you to his birthday party" and then she says "I don't WANT to invite him". That's a pretty typical conversation with us. While Delaney just stares on wondering when her older sister will start crying again. The one thing that saves us every time - is making a joke about Delaney driving, or running or eating ice cream because Emmy thinks that is hilarious since she's a baby. So, I've got one trick that works...
Baseball has officially ended. Tye and hayden are back at home during the week, and I am loving it. Hayden has had several camps this summer; swimming, zombie parkour (yes, zombie anything is a thing), rock climbing, football and even code camp where he gets to build his own software/video game. I am still pushing for outdoor camp but I think next summer might be perfect going into 7TH GRADE! Which means he starts school next month - 6th grade/middle school. So excited to see how he adjusts to growing up and this crazy time for kids. Football starts in two weeks and we are thrilled to see how he's improved from last year.
"Mama, can we go to the pool yet?" |
This summer has been a hot whirlwind that is literally killing my grass and flowers. Along with the massive 50 ft tree that fell into our backyard. It was the most surreal thing to stand on my back porch and be eye level with a tree on it's side. We have exceptional neighbors that cleaned it up right away and rebuilt the fence within 48 hours! It was located in in their yard and unfortunately an arborist had to come out and remove 4 beautiful trees from their yard which also opened up a lot of sun to our backyard. Just glad no one was hurt or the house was damaged. And most importantly, the plastic kiddy pool was not harmed. We went to San Fransisco for an adult only weekend to watch our friends get married in a stunning ceremony. We went up to Great Wolf Lodge where I am pretty sure Emmy discovered for the first time why we are awesome parents. She absolutely loved it. This is a picture of her sitting in bed, waiting to get up to go to the pool at 6:30am the next morning.
We are experiencing higher than normal actiivity so please be patient - I will get the next blog out as soon as I can. Give or take a month :)Next up is camping (without the kids) thanks to both Jay/Carol and my mom for taking them and then a Labor Day beach trip with Chris & Laura who will just be celebrating their 1st year of marriage! And since Laura is 30 now, we'll probably just play scrabble and go to bed a little after 7pm. :)
Have a great summer and see you in September....do you remembah...
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