Emmy's turns 3! |
It's amazing how much can happen in 365 days. If you could make life's biggest decisions and package them all in one year - that's what we did. Now most of you are connected to us through some sort of social media outlet but in case you aren't, here's what Emmy's been up to.
This time last year she was spitting out words in chopped up sentences. Now, she corrects our grammar and has some of the most entertaining one-liners. Here are a few of our favorite Emmy quotes:
"No, NEVER" - usually in reference to anything at any point in the day/night.
"Mommy, you pass out Daddy to me?" - every single night from her bed to ours.
"Daddy, ask Mama if she's wearing a pull-up!" - and then Daddy asks and she laughs
"You're NOT my best friend anymore" - usually directed at me, sometimes brother and Papa.
"It's all messied up!!!" - when her sock seams aren't perfectly set at the top of her feet.
"Can I PLEASE watch the Princess Diarrhea's?" - she loves the Princess Diaries.
She's still just a little babe! |
We can't help but let her keep saying words like "bubritos, babloons, gagrage, paprise, nail pole-nyshe". She speaks very well for her age but we just can't seem to get ourselves to correct her on these things. She has taken to books and likes to pretend she knows how to read. Even if the book is upside down. Some of her favorite books right now are "Emmy the Great", Princess Sophia books, Bearenstein Bears books, "Big Sister", "Gerald the Giraffe" and Mickey Christmas books were really popular too. I am so excited to see how she advances this year in her reading and comprehension.
Her first school picture, age 2. |
We have decided that Emmy will stay home with Mama during my maternity leave and take her out of her daycare of almost two years at Bee Bops. Once I go back to work, we are moving her over to Mayflower Montessori, located near my work. I think this type of curriculum will be great for her curious little mind and it allows me to have both her and her little sister at the same location. Speaking of her little sister...we're about 4-1/2 weeks away from her expected arrival. Delaney Rae Lewman, due 3/15/15 is definitely getting big (and so am I). Her room is nearly ready and we're really trying to encourage what it means to be a big sister. Some of us are a little apprehensive on how the transition will be. Emmy is excited to be a big sister but then I hear her singing songs like "D-e-l-a-n-e-y can't come in" and "Delaney can't wear my green clothes"...I think that will all change once she meets her. I hope. Here's the video of her finding out she's having a sister.
LSD Trip (Lewman San Diego Trip) |
We went on our first family vacation to San Diego in May. We stayed right in Mission Beach and played in the ocean, played in the bay and played in the pool. It was Emmy's first plane ride which she did great (except for landing always triggered a diaper situation for some reason). We ate at taco shops and took a boat ride to dinner. Rode bikes and went to Coronado. We went to the San Diego zoo which is one of the best zoos in the country. It was SUCH a fun trip but Tye and I were absolutely drained and exhausted from so much fun. We could have definitely used a vacation after that. I think between the two of us we drank 1/2 a bottle of hard cider. But it was worth it and Emmy still talks about taking an airplane ride to San Diego. Can't wait to see where we go this year!!
This year was DEFINITELY a Christmas to remember. It was the first year that Emmy understood who Santa is, gifts under the tree, Christmas traditions, zoo lights and Christmas movies. She was very adamant on one gift she wanted from Santa; a Belle dress (from Beauty and the Beast). She talked about it nearly every day and made sure Santa knew that was her request. She was also very proud of her ornament pick this year of a ballerina. Naturally, she got a Ballerina outfit so that she can wear it this year during her first ballet classes (to be scheduled). And of course, Santa got her a Belle dress
Princess Emmy of Beaverton as Belle |
to which she wears nearly every day. She's certainly taken a liking to princesses and I think we can blame Frozen for that. She loves the cinema! Really likes movies and will try to negotiate everything with "can I watch a movie?" We really try to curb the amount of time she spends watching movies since she doesn't watch any TV shows or cartoons but it's hard when we know how much she loves to see these movies. Some of her favorites this year were Frozen, Mary Poppins, Twice Upon a Christmas, Wall-E, & Beauty and the Beast. Grandma Judi took her to Frozen on ice which she got her very own Elsa dress! Grandma GG took her to the play Mary Poppins and she sat for the full 2-1/2 hour performance! And next weekend Papa and Grandma Carol are taking her to see Skippyjon Jones, another play. I am considering taking her to Cinderella since she loves plays and princesses and Daddy really wants to take her to Casper Baby Pants - her first concert! I was really apprehensive of the princess obsession but I've decided to "let it go"...as long as she knows that
dressing like a princess doesn't make you pretty or special. You do.
A common face we get. |
As fun and hilarious and smart as she is, she is also very stubborn and really figuring out how to share. She has realized that she can make her own decisions and that we really can't make her do anything although I can flash a certain look that will make her bright eyed and quiet. She drives me crazy about 3 of the 5 week day mornings because she wants to pick out her own clothes, put them on her
own self and if I suggest a warmer jacket "NO, NEVER!!!!!" or she will want a certain type of crunch in her peanut butter toast. We try to allow her freedom of her opinions and expressing herself but sometimes (all the time) we're right and that's where she struggles. She has tantrums, although never in public, and will scream and then moments later she's just happy as a clam. Emmy remembers EVERYTHING. So empty promises aren't accepted...like "we'll watch a movie later, okay?" because she will be sure to remind you that you said that. We are so proud that she is about 95% potty trained. Wearing underwear "unnies" during the day and telling us every time she needs to go and can go by herself. Still wearing a pull-up at night but I think we are getting close to unnies at night too! It's such a relief to only be buying one set of diapers!!
Her 3rd birthday was special with just a few friends and some paint. We had some aprons that the kids could paint themselves and take home. She's starting to explore a lot of coloring and painting so we thought this was perfect for a party. We asked her friends not to bring any gifts but some hand made
Mama MAY have liked the painting more than Emmy... |
cards to make a birthday book. They were so amazing and thoughtful. Exactly what I was hoping for so her birthday book would be really special. She got SO many Christmas gifts that we are a little toy/bear/dressed out and plus she will get gifts from us and her grandparents. Birthdays are special but not just about gifts (neither is Christmas). She had also requested that I make her a Belle cake as well. We would look at pictures online for months in advance on which kind of Belle cake she wanted. Hopefully that is the extent of her birthday cake requests because that's about the extent of my cake decorating talent!!
#99 Hayden P. Lewman as WR and DB |
Back 2 Back...CHAMPS! |
We have all had one crazy year. We upgraded to a house about 4 streets down (which didn't make our move any easier). We have spent the last 6 months doing a lot of projects and sadly home improvements due to water issues. We are hoping that we have a solution and it won't continue but it has been quite consuming. The yard is perfect for the family and once spring hits, I cannot wait to get out and start working my vision (Tye is challenging my ability to execute this vision) so next year I'll post an updated picture! We won the championship
again in summer softball and looking forward to getting prepped for this year. Hayden started football this year and we are really excited to see where his talents take him. He starts baseball next week and Tye is now the VP of Beaverton Area Little League. Very involved with the coaching and kids during spring/summer/fall ball. LOVE going to watch them both and excited at the possibility of Tye coaching Emmy in softball (assuming she will want to play). Both Tye and I started new jobs and feeling like we are really making the right moves professionally to be where we want. Tye's brother Chris married a beautiful and smart woman Laura in August and Emmy was their flower girl. And of course finding out we were pregnant amongst all of the change was slightly overwhelming but so exciting. We are thrilled to add the last piece to our family and welcome Delaney to this crazy Lewman clan.
We have enjoyed so many moments with you all this year and looking forward to so many more. I promised I would do this blog every month in Emmy's first year and then every year after. I will do the same for Delaney. So if you would like to be removed from reminders, please let me know and I will be sure to take you off our Christmas card list :)
Thank you for reading!